Alain Soldeville
Residencies – Grants
2003 – 2004
- “Talking portraits” project. Residency at Cité Siam International Art Center, with the support of the French Alliance, Bangkok, Thailand.
2005 – 2006
- “Bangkok cityscapes” project, grant from the French Embassy’s cultural department in Bangkok, Thailand.
2007 – 2008
- Grant for the production of the exhibition “Busy people” (Month of Photography), with the support of the French Embassy’s cultural department in Bangkok, Thailand.
2009 – 2010
- Grant for the production of the exhibition “Bangkok” at Kathmandu photo gallery, with the support of the French Alliance in Bangkok, Thailand.
- “Art Kor: Reflections on a photographic exhibition by Alain Soldeville”, by Charles E Freeland, Philosophy and Art history teacher, Mahidol University International college, Bangkok, Thailand. Texte intégral en anglais.
Read more - “Caught between tradition and modernity” par Oliver John, Bangkok Post, Thailand.
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Catalogs – Books
- Catalog of the exhibition “Le Corps”, Biennale internationale de l’image de Nancy, France.
- Catalog of the Month of Photography in Bangkok, exhibition “Bangkok, talking portraits”, Numthong gallery, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Catalog of the exhibition “Tatu-Tatoo”, Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire, Brussels, Belgium.
- Catalog of the exhibition “Signes du corps”, Musée Dapper, Paris.
- Catalog of the exhibition “Paroles du corps”, Hôtel de ville, Tours, France.
- Catalog of the Month of Photography in Bangkok, exhibition Face to Faces (project “Busy people”), Silom Galleria, Bangkok, Thailand.
- 100.000 ans de beauté, Modernité/Globalisations, Gallimard publishing, Paris, France.
- Catalog Bangkok Asean Art and culture festival (“Bugis street” exhibition, Kathmandu Photo Gallery), Bangkok, Thailand.
- Catalog of the exhibition, “Atteinte à la beauté ou le corps déconstruit dans l’art contemporain”.
- Catalog of Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France.
- Catalog of Photo Bangkok, exhibition “The French Connection”, Bangkok University Gallery (BUG), Bangkok, Thailand.
- Catalog of the exhibition “Aux Frontières de l’Humain”, Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France.
Talks – projections – Workshops
- Projection of “Paroles du corps” (the Eloquent body), invited by Nathalie Bocher-Lenoir, Gens d’images convention, Bordeaux, France.
- Talk-projection about “Paroles du corps”, invited by Lertsiri Bovornkitti, Burapha University, Chonburi, Thailand.
- Talk-projection on Body arts, during the festival “Look at the cinema of the South”, FNAC Rouen, France.
- Talk-projection about the exhibition “Signes du corps” (Body marks), FNAC-Italie 2, Paris, France.
- Talk-projection about “Paroles du corps”, during the cycle Panorama Art and youth, invited by Patrice Chazottes, CNAC-Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France.
- Projection during the exhibition “Paroles du corps” at the Tours city Townhall, on the theme: Body modifications, a society problem?
- Workshop to produce an exhibition during the Brest short film Festival, with students of a professional high school, Plabennec, France.
- Talk-projection during the collective exhibition “Deflected beauty, the deconstructed body in contemporary art”, Villepinte and Villetaneuse, France.
- Talk-projection about the exhibition Bugis street at Objectifs Centre for Photography and Filmmaking, Singapore.
- Imag(in)e sea #004, “From Bugis to Bangkok: A Farang in Southeast Asia”, a talk organized by Zhuang Wubin at Artistry cafe, Singapore (with Sean Lee and Amy Tashiana).
- Workshop at the Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film, Singapore.
- Workshop at the Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film, Singapore.
- Workshop at the Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film, Singapore.